Monday, 4 April 2016

Portfolio Updates: March'16

Ho Hum! Looks like someone has been really lazy recently. My excuses?

School, projects, wedding preparations and holiday trips to Taiwan and Genting!

Oh yea, March had been really enjoyable due to the holiday trips :D

But I am freaking broke now, with my spending account in deficit currently (read HERE on my concept of spending and savings account).

Luckily, my portfolio is not in deficit though and with the recent sales of Saizen REIT, I have in fact made a tiny weeny bit of monies :D

Hence, my portfolio has also grown by a tiny weeny bit for the month of Mar'16. Please see below! :)

Portfolio updates for the month of March'16:

  • Received dividends from the following counter which was injected back into the portfolio:
         - Lippomalls REIT - $121.50

  • Withdrew $400 from the portfolio for my personal expense (thou shall control my spendings with immediate effect!). 

  • Sale of Saizen REIT completed and all gains from the sale was injected into the portfolio immediately. Got really lucky with this buy. I divested at a price of $1.056, netting me a net gain of more than 56% from an initial investment of $4890! 
         Tee hee hee, please allow me to bask in my glory


Actions I will take for April'16:

  • If the price of STI ETF drops below $2.40, I will make another purchase of about $2400 worth of STI ETF. This will bring the average price of my STI ETF purchase to below $3.

  • Continue my purchase of VWRD by investing my second tranche of S$5000 when the price of the VWRD drops to USD$54.72, which is a 20% drop from my last purchase price of USD$68.40.

  • The third and last tranche of S$4000 will be vested when the price of VWRD drops to USD$38.30, which is a drop of 30% from the last purchase price of USD$54.72.
  • I have to search for promising equities to purchase so that I can fill the gap in my portfolio that the sale of Saizen REIT has left behind. Hence, I aim to purchase about $3000 worth of income stocks and $3000 worth of growth stocks in order to meet the allocations that I have set out in my asset allocation strategy. For a start, I will begin with the assessment of OUE Hospitality REIT, Far East Hospitality REIT and Ho Bee Land.

  • In the event that the VWRD and STI ETF does not drop to my target price, I will rebalance my portfolio in the month of May'16 and Nov'16 accordingly to my asset allocation strategy.


Cherry blossom trees blossoming in Taiwan! Who says you can only get pretty cherry blossoms in Japan? :p

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